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Dolmens, Menhirs

The Emerald Coast is not the place , where you will find these several thousand year old megaliths in an important number like in other corners of Brittany. But here are some very interesting ones,too : the nearest is at Saint Suliac, in the middle of an apple tree plantation (picture).
Another solitary menhir, said the nicest one in Brittany, is a monolith of granit measuring 9,50 meters of height and 8m70 of circumference. It is the 'Menhir du Champ Dolent' near Dol de Bretagne (12 km).

Dolmen Cablé Saint-Suliac

Another important heritage of the neolithic era is the construction at La Roche aux Fees (picture), south of Rennes. Forty-two stones of each more than forty tons compose it.