St Suliac is a very old village. It is said to have been founded 1500 years ago by
a welsh monk who came over in order to spread Christianity to the area.
The village's narrow lanes (called 'ruettes' here) often
stretch down towards the RANCE banks, on which stand typically breton
granite built houses, built with stones from a legendary, disapperaed monastery.
Walking here is like a trip back in time.
Rance estuary is at its widest here (2 km), creating splendid landscapes between the rolling green hills and the deep-blue water, creating many bays and half-islands; one of them hosting Saint Suliac. The Rance valley tourism circuit makes you discover the nicest places.
Suliac has recently been listed among the most beautiful villages in France. It is protected by national laws in respect of its architecture ...
....and its environment (There are numerous migratory birds to see here).
The lancons(=sandeels) are the typical fish of the area. The old men and the very young caught them in the sand- banks of the Rance,
whilst men in their prime years sailed on their schooners(= goelettes) towards New Foundland for fishing cod (=morue) and cuttle-fish(= margate).Many men lost their lives on those dangerous voyages.
Saint Suliac also is a place of numerous feasts (often with a religious origin; the 13 th century church is well attended at sunday morning mass, proving that Brittany is catholic country) : fest-noz (night-feast), Breton music, dance and costumes, Breton eating and drinking. Throughout the year there are opportunities to come together and to revive old customs and Breton traditions.